Technology and Agricultural can work together

Agriculture and Technology - TeaGuff

Technology is something that is taking over our world, and we have to admit it’s good and bad. But obviously we should look over the good things for now, how easy it has made our lives. We are able to do so many things, connect to so many people and handle so much work that would have not been possible if it wasn’t for the technology. We sit down on office chair, write codes, manage our accounts, extract information and then do everything from getting social on Facebook, writing blogs…

Is Education System of Nepal killing Ideas ?

Education System

When we look at our education system, I believe the most creative things are kept hidden and we are always said not to make mistakes. Trust me, its not Nepal but all over the world high ranked subjects are accordingly:  Mathematics, Language, Science after it Social and in the end, Arts! How many of you got an chance where your parents said, go dance one day you have to become a dancer? Or play football daily or be a artist? UNESCO did a research and found out by 2030 we…

Post war and Conflicts: Rebuilding States and Communities — Case Study : Nepal

Maoist Insurgency in Nepal

A Challenge every country faces is to rebuild states and communities after war and conflicts. The newly formed government will not be on a proper track to carry out the process of rebuilding states whereas the perception of people takes time to alter. We have seen such scenario in various countries and similar has happened in Nepal. Nepal had ten years long Maoist insurgency that killed thousands of people. It has not been easy for Nepal for Post war and conflicts rebuilding. After the conflict with Maoist was settled signing…