How can Nepali Movie Industry gain its height in comparison to Bollywood and Hollywood Movies ?

nepali film industry vs american film industry

The Nepali film industry, also known as Kollywood, has a long history dating back to the 1950s. However, it has faced many challenges over the years and has not yet reached the level of popularity and commercial success of Bollywood or Hollywood. There are a few steps that the Nepali film industry could take in order to gain more recognition and success:

Movies while you are at home

As a precaution for COVID 19, its wise to stay at home and for that here is the list of English Based Movies to watch while you self-quarantine. War movies:‏1-Atonement (2007)‏2-Saving private Ryan (1998)‏3-full metal jacket (1987)‏4-Hacksaw ridge (2016)‏5-Valkyrie (2008)‏6-war horse (2011)‏7-Enemy at the gates (2001)‏8-The thin red line (1998)‏9-The English patient (1996)‏10-Downfall (2004) Western movies:‏1-The good the bad and the ugly (1966)‏2-once upon a time in the west (1968)‏3-The ballad of buster Scruggs (2018)‏4-Dances with wolves (1990)‏5-Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid (1969)‏6-The searchers (1956)‏7-The man who shot liberty…

Best South Indian movies to watch [ Vol 1]

vikram Vedha South Indian Fim

Mystery Thriller South Indian Movies to watch Rangasthalam ( Stage ) “Rangasthalam gives you likable characters in a screenplay that aims to touch dizzying heights without packing enough fuel. A story that makes you wait and wait should offer more when it eventually comes to a close.” – Krishna Sripada Currently the movie has not been made available on youtube. You can easily download its telugu version from torrent and download english subtitle from google search. Naan Sigappu Manithan “The hero is a narcoleptic, and this aspect is not just a…